A Visit to Dragon Con

’Twas the night before Dragon Con, when all through the house

All the creatures were stirring, even Pinky the mouse;

The cosplays were hung by the door with care,

In hopes that attendees would soon stare;

The children were all wild running through the house;

While visions of the Yule Ball danced in their heads;

And mamma in her corset, and I in my bald cap;

Had just energized our brains for a long weekend’s celebration.

When out on the highway there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my craft room to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I soared,

Switched on the camera and pushed record.

When what to my tired eyes did appear,

But a caravan of Cult of Marriott Carpet vehicles rumbling near!

And I whistled, and shouted, and called the cosplays by name:

Now, Harley Quinn! now, Dr. Who! now, Wonder Woman and Batman!

On, Goblin King! on, Belle! on, Negan and Antman!

Now drive to the parade! Drive away all!

So down I-85 the drivers they flew

With their trunks full of pie, and seats of cosplayers, too.

And then, in a minute, they disappeared ’round the bend,

But I knew, after all, it wasn’t the end.

For although it’s just Wednesday, the Atrium’s wall to wall;

So let’s get this party started: Happy Dragon Con to all!

Author of the article

Not everyone can say they watch television for homework, read novels for inspiration, and are paid to follow what’s trending. For Alicia Pack, it is all part of life as a writer and media enthusiast.  When she isn't lost in the world she is trying to create, you can find her with her nose in a book or catching up on her favorite supernatural shows.  She has a Master’s degree in Mass Communications and a Bachelor’s degree in Radio, Television, and Film.  Her nine years of diverse media experience include news writing, copywriting, website content management, social media, promotions, television production, and teaching.