Kelly McCorkendale

Kelly McCorkendale is a dog-lover, avid quilter, and occasional creative writer who loves the color orange and boycotts cable (except Game of Thrones because, well, what if winter is coming!?). After college, she realized poets weren’t in demand, so she shipped off to Madagascar with Peace Corps. Since then, she’s found a niche working on health systems in Africa but has a long-list of life tasks yet to be fulfilled--such as perform blackmail, learn a trade, and become a competitive eater. She has an MA in International Education, believes rice is the elixir of life, and, in high school, won the best supporting actress honor for the state of Missouri. She may also recite poetry (her first love) when imbibing in alcohol.

The Science of D&D Monsters

On Sunday at 2:30PM on the Fan Track Channel, the Science Track presented “Virtual: The Science of D&D Monsters,” led by paleontologist and professional Dungeon Master Trevor Valle. He asked panelists Lali DeRosier (science teacher), Torrey Stenmark (organic chemist and costumer), and Stephen Granade (physicist and director of the science track) to roll for initiative to identify the science behind… Read more →

Epic Women Doing Epic Fantasy

Epic Women Doing Epic Fantasy

On the streaming Fan Track Channel at 10PM Saturday, panelists, and writers, Day Al-Mohamed, Kristina L. Gruell, Marie Whittaker, and Katie Cross, with moderator Cisca Small, talked about Epic Fantasy and what women writers bring to the genre, going toe-to-toe with men even on toilet talk. Small asked each writer to define epic fantasy, and everyone agreed it had to… Read more →

‘Weirder Stuff’ Season 5 Fan Theories: Hot or Not?

On the Fan Track Streaming Channel at 5:30pm, moderator Damian Allen guided ‘Weirder Stuff’ superfans Abbie Garcia-Sanchez, Bill Price, Derik Garcia-Sanchez, Elijah Pilgrim, and Jennie Byrd-Peterson through some of the most interesting controversial intriguing bonkers likely (decide for yourself) fan theories for Season 5, which will be the beloved show’s last. Max is imprisoned within Vecna’s mind and will take… Read more →

Where There be Monsters

On the Fan Track Channel on Friday at 4PM, Dragon Con attendees were treated to “The History, Evolution, and Fun of D&D Monsters,” as discussed by moderator Rush Lilavivat and Abby Plemmons, two grade-A Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) game masters. Lilavivat gave a comprehensive overview of the visual evolution of D&D Monsters, discussing how co-creator Gary Gygax started the original… Read more →

Doctor Who: The Return of RTD

On Monday at 11AM, Dragon Con panelists waxed thoughtful about the return of RTD (that’s Russell T. Davies) to the Whoverse as showrunner and writer. Davies famously relaunched, rebooted, and reimagined Doctor Who for the 21st Century in 2005 and when he introduced David Tennant as the 10th Doctor. He left the show in 2011, and panelists Caro McCully, Mike… Read more →

The Beginning and the End: Legends of Tomorrow

The Beginning and the End: Legends of Tomorrow

On Friday at 1PM, Arthur Darvill and Olivia Swann met in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom to talk about Legends of Tomorrow, which ended its seven-season run earlier this year. Moderated by Kevin Bachelder, the panel fielded audience questions and talked about the joy of hopping time in the Waverider with a changing cast on a show that embraced diversity. Bachelder… Read more →

The Legend, the Myth, the Rocket Man: Elton John Turns 75

On Friday at 11:00AM, Elton John super fans Mike Faber, Kornflake, Rob Levy, and Kyle McGraw—with moderator Caro Mccully —joined Dragon Con virtually to reflect on the music and pop culture defying career of Sir Elton John, who turned 75 on March 25 of this year amidst his farewell tour, 52 years after his first hit, “Your Song.” They discussed his… Read more →

The Many Lives of Doctor Who’s The Master

For Saturday’s virtual …And You Will Obey Me: Doctor Who’s The Master at 50 on the Brit Track YouTube channel, panelists (and podcasters) Brian Doob, Michael Falkner, Sue Kisenwether, Rob Levy, and Dr. Scott Viguie, as moderated by Rob in the Hat, discussed The Master’s many incarnations, story arcs, and lasting impact on Doctor Who. Since his introduction in 1971,… Read more →