Max Caracappa

Max sees to the needs of her kitty overlords; polices the grammar on all kinds of published material including signage, menus, and food packaging; and cuddles with her wife while watching her favorite shows (Our Flag Means Death, Killjoys, Sense8, and Doctor Who among them). She continues to be far too excited to be working for the Daily Dragon.

Taking it Too Far: Musical Avengers

Taking it Too Far: Musical Avengers

When you give a bunch of superhero geeks and theater nerds a tantalizing glimpse of something like Rogers: The Musical on a Disney+ series, it is practically an invitation for us to take it too far. And take it too far we did at “Rogers: The Musical – Dragon Con Style: A Table Read” on Sunday at 1PM in Marriott… Read more →

Gifting Custom Helmet to Adam Savage

Gifting Custom Helmet to Adam Savage

Cosplayer and maker Charles Ecton is a member of the 501st Legion, Georgia Garrison, and has recently retired from a local utility after working as an environmental engineer for 35 years. This year Ecton came to Dragon Con with a specific mission. As a huge fan of a movie featuring the story of King Arthur, he has been working on… Read more →

Geeks Take a Bow

The ways in which fandom and nerdery intersect can almost not be diagramed. When a geek is passionate, they are passionate all the way. The number of people who are both geeks and fans of musical theater is vast, which is why a lot of panels this year include theater as a theme. Musical theater is already a heightened reality,… Read more →

Do Theater and Science Fiction Go Together?

A group of theater and science fiction enthusiasts gathered in the Hyatt Embassy AB Friday at 8:30PM to talk about the intersection of those particular genres. They might not seem like a natural fit, but as more genre shows start finding their way to mainstream stages, it does seem that they are becoming better companions. The assembled panelists are or… Read more →

Adam 'Gentle Encouragement' Savage

Adam ‘Gentle Encouragement’ Savage

It was no surprise that the Marriott Imperial Ballroom was packed Saturday at 11:30AM to hear Adam Savage answer audience questions. He bounded onto the stage with characteristic enthusiasm, taking a moment to make sure to wave to all parts of the room before taking his seat. The questions ranged all over the place from mythbusting to to tips… Read more →

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

The excitement in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom II–IV Saturday at 4PM was palpable as Paul Bettany was introduced. None of us knew exactly how much of the conversation would be about cheese when moderator Tony P. Henderson started the questions. There was quite a lot of discussion about food, including what Bettany’s favorite meals are. He said that he had… Read more →

The Things Fungus Can Do

The Things Fungus Can Do

A panel of fungus enthusiasts gathered Friday at 11:30AM in Hilton 209-211 to discuss our mushroomy friends and what they can do for us—and against us. The panel included a science writer and several educators as well as a dentist, though none of them could answer the very first question: What is a fungus? It’s not because of a lack… Read more →

Singing Modern Space Franchise’s Praises

Fans of a long-running science fiction show that takes place in space gathered Friday at 2:30PM in the Hilton Galleria 2-3 to discuss the latest installment. It was an opportunity to delve into what we liked, what we wish was better, and what we hope for whenever we can get more of it. A lot of the discussion focused on… Read more →