Debbie Yutko

Debbie Yutko lives near Atlanta with her husband and two cats. When she isn’t gardening, rescuing homeless kittens, or cramming math formulas into teenagers’ brains, she can be found stringing words together at her computer and dreaming of adventures in far-off lands. She is a lifelong reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and a veteran of Dragon Con, where she enjoys attending panels and working with the talented staff of the Daily Dragon.

Hidden Treasures at Dragon Con

Hidden Treasures at Dragon Con

Swag N’ Seek is fast becoming one of the biggest and most enjoyable trends at Dragon Con. Started by Francesca in 2017, this warmhearted group is spreading joy by hiding little treasures in the main hotels for attendees to find. Each has a tag, too, so you know it’s yours to keep. It’s amazing how much fun it is to… Read more →

For the Love of Art: Annie Stegg-Gerard and Justin Gerard

It’s impossible to walk past the booth of artists Annie Stegg-Gerard and Justin Gerard without noticing their gorgeous oil paintings. And if you stop, enraptured by the compositions and subtle use of color, it’s even harder not to take a piece home to admire at your leisure. Each painting exudes beauty and joy. Annie and Justin collaborated for last year’s… Read more →

Cyborg Guests at Dragon Con

Cyborg Guests at Dragon Con

The audience waited eagerly for the panel “Colby in Dolby: with Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner” on Sunday at 10AM in the Marriott Imperial Ballroom, moderated by Colby Smith. Since Wagner arrived first, Colby asked her what it’s like to know she’s been a role model for many years. Surprisingly, Wagner considered the role carefully before accepting it because she… Read more →

Serkis and Wood Charm Dragon Con

Serkis and Wood Charm Dragon Con

Elijah Wood began as the sole guest at the beginning of the panel “A Spot with Dot: A Conversation with Andy Serkis and Elijah Wood” on Sunday at 1PM in the packed Marriott Atrium Ballroom, moderated by Dot Steverson. Taking his co-panelist’s temporary absence in stride, Wood said, “This is my first Dragon Con,” and added, “I love it… You… Read more →

A group of seven panelists pose together, all smiling and looking at different cameras

The Oracles Speak!

A distinguished group of guests placed under a magic spell by the Priestess of the Oracle (author Jodie Lynn Nye), responded to audience questions—in the cryptic and obfuscated way of all oracles—at the panel “Delphic Oracle” on Saturday at 4PM in Hyatt Embassy CD. Bound by the priestess’s incantation, Michael Chatfield, Marc Alan Edelheit, G.S. Jennsen, Gini Koch, Oriana Shani… Read more →

Annie Stegg Brings a Dragon to Life

Annie Stegg Brings a Dragon to Life

Watching artist Annie Stegg Gerard paint a dragon is an amazing experience. During the “Painting Demo with Annie” panel Saturday at 11:30AM in Hyatt Grand Hall D, Annie continued to work on a project she began at last year’s Dragon Con. At the beginning of the panel, the canvas held only an underpainting of deep golden tones with a few… Read more →

Creating Creatures of Myth and Legend

Creating Creatures of Myth and Legend

A panel of distinguished artists shared their insight on creating creatures from mythology or from their own imaginations Friday at 5:30PM in Grand Hall C in the Hyatt. Moderator Rachel Rieckenberg asked fellow artists Allie Briggs, Sarah Dahlinger, Justin Gerrard, and Todd Lockwood why they chose to create mythical creatures. Lockwood quipped, “Because they’re paying me to do it.” Seriously,… Read more →

Sean Maher, Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, and "Tony Lately"

Actors from ‘Lightning Bug’ Visit Dragon Con

Well known by Dragon Con fans for their unforgettable roles in the shiny space western that never should have been cancelled, Gina Torres, Sean Maher, and Jewel Staite answered a variety of questions that were light years away from the standard topics at the 10AM Friday “Tony Lately” panel, led by moderator Tony Gowell, in Hyatt Centennial II–IV. One of… Read more →