Brynna Owens

Brynna Owens is a mild-mannered freelancer by day, but by night, she's working on joining the Justice League. Cutting her teeth on fanfic before she knew there was such a thing (Frodo/Sam based on the books, anyone??), she's been writing since she learned that you put words together and form sentences. Her calling as a Professional Fangirl started with the X-Files, where she honed her writing and editing skills via fanfic that she finally had a name for, and discovered the amazing world of online fandom via IRC and AOL chats. And now, having written that, she feels old! She currently resides just outside Seattle, is owned by a cat named Gandalf, aspires to save the world, and owns over 100 tubes of lipstick.

Zooming with Netflix’s Norsemen

While travel for an 8th century Viking was never simple, travel from Norway to Atlanta in 2021 isn’t exactly easy either, so the cast of Netflix’s series Norsemen kindly held a Zoom panel instead, pre-recorded because of time zones—that aired on the main DCTV channel on Friday afternoon. Moderated by Henry Herz, the hour provided many laughs, because while Norsemen… Read more →

A Bit of Hocus Pocus

As this year’s Dragon Con wound toward its end, a bit of nostalgia was finding its way to the main programming channel. Early afternoon Monday, three of the cast members of Hocus Pocus—Doug Jones (Billy), Larry Bagby (Ernie “Ice”) and Tobias Jelinek (Jay)—sat down for a chat about everyone’s favorite Halloween movie. Which, incidentally, was originally released in July, a… Read more →

Lovecraft Country: Not the Academy’s Green Book

Black people leading cosmic horror is not only unusual, it’s almost unheard of until now. HBO’s new series Lovecraft Country has been weaving the horror of HP Lovecraft with the racism of the Jim Crow era, sending chills through eager viewers for only a few episodes—four as of this weekend—at a fast clip. It’s easy to see why, when the… Read more →

What Does Black Panther Mean to You?

“How would my life have been different if I’d had [Black Panther] as a child?” Saturday afternoon, the Diversity Track held a panel full of comic book creators and scholars gathering for a discussion entitled “The Psychology of Black Panther, Wakanda, and the Transformative Power of Comic Books,” which started off with a question for everyone about what the character… Read more →

Get Your Meditation on the Geeky Way

Have you ever wanted to commune with the Force? Maybe conjure up your patronus? Perhaps experience the joy of second breakfast without having to prepare any food, all without having to go anywhere? Those of us who joined Alyssa Yeager—better known to many in fandom as Rhiannon’s Lark—for “Geeky Meditations” on Friday afternoon on the Filk track were led through… Read more →

An Hour with The Librarians

As we all know, sometimes our favorite TV shows get cancelled. But The Librarians fans didn’t let that stop them from showing up to support actors Christian Kane and John Kim on Saturday evening in the Westin Peachtree Ballroom. Well, at the start, it was just Kim, as Kane was nowhere to be seen. He wandered in about five minutes later. That… Read more →

Under the Bat Signal

Four comic book creators formed the “Batman & The Heroes of Gotham” panel on Friday afternoon in the Hyatt International North. Moderator Jami Jones, artists Craig Rousseau, Alex Sinclair, and Babs Tarr, and writer Gail Simone discussed the continuing appeal of the Batman family. Jones opened the panel by asking each of the creators to name the Bat books on… Read more →

Ritual, Faith, and Magic in Military Sci-Fi

“There seems to be a lot of tension in sci-fi between the idea of space and the idea of God,” mused panelist Melayne Seahawk at the beginning of “Supernatural and Religious Elements in Military Sci-Fi” on Saturday afternoon in Westin Chastain EF. This was the heart of a deep but entertaining conversation about the ways science fiction TV shows use… Read more →