Up for auction at this Dragon*Con:
- Gold Leaf Special Edition Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Only 100 copies of this book were produced. Originally only given to members of Paizo’s staff at the time of product launch. This copy has been autographed by of the fine folks at Paizo Publishing. Sun, 10AM Regency V, Hyatt.
At the Silent Auction, Sun 8AM, Galleria, Gaming HQ (Hilton):
- Pathfinder Ultimate Combat
- Pathfinder Ultimate Magic
- Pathfinder Betiary II
- Pathfinder Inner Sea World Guide
All four items will be auctioned separately. All four items have been autographed by the fine folks at Paizo Publishing. Auction Sheets will be available from 8AM to 5PM. Items will be awarded at 5:45PM on Sunday. Make sure to bring cash or check (no credit cards accepted).