“Richard Horvitz Invades Dragon Con” Richard Horvitz has voiced Earth’s tiniest conqueror, Death’s best friend, a beaver brother, a psychonaut, and one HECK of an I.M.P! Meet one of the most unique voices in the cartoon universe! Fri 1PM, Grand East (S).
Ben Durocher will be on “Diversity and Inclusion in Puppetry” Fri 2:30PM, A704 (M); “Puppet Karaoke” Fri 11:30PM, International North (Hy); “Sesame Street to Fraggle Rock: Tales from the Muppet Workshop” Sat 8:30PM, A704 (M).
“Operation Orville: New Horizons” Fresh from Season 3, members of the crew of The Orville return to this side of the Planetary Union to discuss their latest experiences aboard ship. Sat 5:30PM, Peachtree Ballroom (W).
Eric Gregory Null will be on “You Must Be This Old to Ride: Age Verification & The Internet” Fri 4PM, 313–314 (Hil).
Diane Guererro will be on “Encanto Voice Actors” Fri 5:30PM, Imperial Ballroom (M); “Doom Patrol Guests: Through the Looking Glass” Sat 11:30AM, Centennial II–IV (Hy).
“Brian Michael Bendis & David Mack: Collaborators & Friends” Join writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Mack as they discuss their career in comics as well as their collaborations over the years in Daredevil and also the DC graphic novel Cover. Sat 2:30PM, Centennial I (Hy).
Reading Session: S.M. Stirling. Sat 4PM, Marietta (Hy).
Hunter Cressall will be on “Making the Unreal, Real; An Hour with VFX Masters Chris LeDoux & Fon Davis” Sat 5:30PM, Piedmont (Hy).
“Danger Woman—The Song Bird of Justice!” Fan favorite Danger Woman, Dragon Con’s own Songbird of Justice, performs LIVE! Sat 7PM, Vinings (Hy).
Summer Ollseon will be on “Puppet Coaching and Characterization” Sat 7PM, A704 (M).
Aretta Baumgartner will be on “Sesame Street to Fraggle Rock: Tales from the Muppet Workshop” Sat 8:30PM, A704 (M).
Myra Su, Robert Amico, Keziah Peterson, Karl Herlinger, Cabot Parsons, and Colette Searls will be on “Puppets in Motion (Pictures)” Sat 11:30PM, A704 (M).