Daily Dragon staff

Thriller World Record Registration

Attention Thriller dance participants: Don’t forget to stop by outside of Georgia 1 (S) and register for the Thriller dance and get your ribbon even if you already registered online. Be sure to fill out your consent and release form!

Dragon*Con Thriller 2009

Dragon*Con Thriller 2009

Help Dragon*Con break the world record for “Largest ‘Thriller’ Dance”—the most people simultaneously dancing to Michael Jackson’s Thriller—on Sun 7PM in the Grand Ballroom A-C of the Sheraton (3rd floor). Stormtroopers, fairies, vampires, pirates, klingons, superheroes, and definitely zombies, welcome*!

Princess Alethea’s Traveling Sideshow

Books, bubbles, and mayhem! Join Princess Alethea and the authors and artists that make up her Traveling Sideshow: featuring Leanna Renee Hieber, Janet Lee, Mike Lee, Chris McCormick, and Ada Brown. The first 50 attendees will be given tote bags filled with books, buttons, bracelets, tattoos, and random valuable prizes! This will be no dull reading…come have some fun! Fri… Read more →

Hall Costume Contest

Participate in the Dragon*Con Hall Costume Contest, the only Dragon*Con costume contest decided by popular vote! Come in costume to the contest registration table in front of the Centennial Ballrooms in the Hyatt (in the alcove to the right) on Friday and Saturday from 10AM to 5PM to have your picture taken.  Children welcome! Pictures will be posted for everyone… Read more →

Sunless Dawn Guild of Auchendoun Scavenger Hunt

Sunless Dawn of Auchendoun will be hosting a World of Warcraft scavenger hunt at Dragon*Con. Be on the lookout for quest givers and hidden items that will be scattered throughout the convention from 10AM to midnight, Friday through Sunday. Quest givers and takers will be clearly marked with giant exclamation marks and question marks over their heads, just like in… Read more →

Downtown Atlanta Traffic Disruptions

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution warns that there will be crews surveying sewer lines in downtown Atlanta on the weekdays before and after Labor Day weekend. The work is scheduled to occur from 7AM to 5PM on weekdays now through Sept. 9. The impacted roads are Courtland St., Ellis St., Irwin St., Jackson St., and Peachtree Center Ave. If you’re driving in… Read more →

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