Debbie Yutko

Debbie Yutko lives near Atlanta with her husband and two cats. When she isn’t gardening, rescuing homeless kittens, or cramming math formulas into teenagers’ brains, she can be found stringing words together at her computer and dreaming of adventures in far-off lands. She is a lifelong reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy and a veteran of Dragon Con, where she enjoys attending panels and working with the talented staff of the Daily Dragon.

Getting Your First Sale

On the Friday panel “Breaking In: How It’s Done,” a group of pros shared advice on how to make your first sale. While suggestions varied, panelists agreed that the growth of online social-networking has opened new possibilities. There’s no denying we’re in the midst of a digital revolution. The percentage of ebook sales are growing each year, and some new… Read more →

Christopher Lloyd pic ThomStanley

Lloyd and Tolkan Take Us Back…to the Future

The Alternate History track presented a panel featuring the stars of the Back to the Future franchise. Christopher Lloyd (Dr. Emmett Brown) and James Tolkan (Principal Strickland) fielded questions from the enthusiastic crowd. When asked what Principal Strickland would have said to them when they were in high school, Tolkan replied that for a certain period, he was a slacker…. Read more →

What Women Want

In What Women Want on Sunday at 11AM in Greenbriar, panelists engaged in a lively discussion of how women are portrayed in popular media.  According to Shannon K. Butcher, author of romantic suspense and paranormal romance, “femininity is one of the most powerful things in the Universe—ask any man who’s been brought to his knees by a woman.”  But are… Read more →

stan lee

Look at Me, I’m Stan Lee!

What is it about masks and secret identities, anyway?  According to their creator, Stan Lee, the Fantastic Four didn’t need them.  Why, you might ask?  “If I had a superpower—not to say that I don’t,” Lee told a packed house in the Atrium Ballroom of the Marriott.  “I’d say, ‘Look at me, I’m better than you.  I’ve got a superpower!’” … Read more →

Leonard Nimoy: Beyond Spock

Cheers erupted in the Atrium Ballroom as fans got a second chance to see Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy.  He began by discussing his early career, including his first film, Zombies of the Stratosphere.  “I thought it would rocket me to stardom,” he said with a wry smile.  After all, “I was the first zombie through the spaceship door.”  Strange… Read more →