Laura Ingram

Doing your part

Joe Grillot, 59, left his home in Louisiana’s St. Bernard Parrish with only the clothes on his back and a few dollars in his pocket. Because of the impending arrival of Hurricane Katrina, Grillot did not plan to attend Dragon*Con although he’s been a member for decades. Her disastrous path pushed him here, flooding his entire apartment. But he’s not… Read more →

Marina Sirtis takes over

Trekkies should already know this, but for those who missed the obvious, Marina Sirtis is nothing like the gentle, modest Deanna Troi she portrayed on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She’s more like Deanna’s mother, the bold and bawdy Lwaxana Troi. Immediately after strutting onto the stage, Sirtis commanded adjustments to her microphone and had Dragon*Con volunteers rearranging the tables… Read more →

Feel like Glue? (Opening ceremonies overview)

Dr. Specula delivered incredibly wise advice Friday during Dragon*Con’s opening ceremonies after looking deep into the enigma that is America’s largest fantasy/science fiction convention. “Have a great time! Don’t kill anybody!” Dr. Specula told the rows of audience. The packed Centennial ballroom responded with a collective groan. Oddly, these possibly homicidal creatures—some of them wearing wings, crowns and other species… Read more →

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