Matt Schafer

Matt Schafer is an award-winning former journalist who left the land of daily deadlines to pursue a career in novel writing. More on him and his work can be found at

A Q&A with Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan told several hundred fans his plans for future books and movies during a wide-ranging Q&A session Saturday afternoon. Jordan’s sprawling epic has swelled, but he promised to end the series at twelve books. “I’m committed,” he answered a fan. “It’s going to be twelve books, even if the twelfth book is 15,000 pages long. So, if you have… Read more →

An Hour With Tricia Helfer

For an actress whose Sci-Fi credits equates to 22 hours of Battlestar Galactica, Tricia Helfer sure can fill up a room. After every other star scheduled on “Galactica New and Old” was either called back to the set or had a scheduling conflict, it became an unofficial “Hour with Trisha Helfer” While this might have spelled disaster for a supporting… Read more →

How Lwaxana saved Q

In the waning hours of Dragon*Con, Peter David told a throng of Star Trek faithful that if not for the unwitting efforts or Majel Barrett Roddenberry, one of his most beloved books, Q in Law, would never had made it to press. The comedy is based on a relationship between “Q” and “Lwaxana Troi” and the ensuing madness of bringing… Read more →

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