Nancy Northcott

Nancy Northcott is the Comics Track Director for ConTinual. She's also a lifelong fan of comics, science fiction, fantasy, and history. Her published works include the Boar King's Honor historical fantasy trilogy and the Arachnid Files romantic suspense series. Collaborating with Jeanne Adams, she also writes the Outcast Station science fiction mystery series.

The Importance of Professionalism

On Sunday at 10AM Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta presented a program called Five (5) Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me in the Writers’ Track. Moesta opened the program by noting that an author’s interaction with other people is more important than talent in getting work. “Talent might get you job one,” she said, “but it won’t get… Read more →

Defining Noir in Science Fiction

What makes a science fiction story noir? The Sci-fi Literature track sponsored a panel at 1:00PM on Saturday to consider the question. Moderator Kacey Ezell started by asking panelists Jon R. Osborne, Stuart Jaffe, Griffin Barber, Marisa Wolf, and John Hartness to give an “elevator pitch” explaining noir. Hartness described as being an aesthetic of shadowy tales and black and… Read more →

Surveillance Secrets (for Authors)

Ever wondered how your character should shadow someone? On Saturday at 2:30PM, Writers Track speaker John Robinson offered some answers in a program called “Hide in Plain Sight—Secrets of Effective Surveillance.” Emphasizing that surveillance is much harder than it looks on television, he focused on sidewalk surveillance and discussed teamwork, gear, and street sense. Individual surveillance is fast and cheap,… Read more →

A Look at Women in the Comics Industry

Six women comics professionals met on Friday at 5:30PM for the Comics and Pop Art panel, “A Female Perspective on Comics.” Tana Ford, moderator Amy Chu, Chrissie Zullo, Joanna Estep, Tini Howard, and Afua Richardson chatted for an hour about their careers and their experiences in the male-dominated comics industry. Chu started the panel with what she described as the… Read more →

An Hour with the DC Titans

An Hour with the DC Titans

Friday afternoon, the American Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media track brought DC Titans actors Conor Leslie, who plays Donna Troy, and Curran Walters, who plays Jason Todd, Robin, and Red Hood, to the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. For an hour labeled “DC’s Titans Guests: Meet the Titans” moderator Thomas Parham and various audience members engaged in a lively Q & A with… Read more →

Defining Dark Fantasy

What makes a book or a movie dark fantasy as opposed to some other kind of horror? At 8:30PM Thursday in Westin Peachtree 1 & 2, the Horror track sponsored the “What the %#?! Is Dark Fantasy?” panel to address that question. Panelists included David Boop, Jonathan Maberry, R.R. Virdi, Jessica Ann York, Garon Whited, and moderator Tony Sarrecchia. Noting… Read more →

Nancy Knight’s Creative Career

Nancy Knight’s Creative Career

Many Dragon Con attendees recognize Nancy Knight as the Director of the Writers’ Track, but she has played many other roles in the creative community for a long time. In addition to being a founding member of Georgia Romance Writers, house manager and events coordinator for Stone Mountain’s ART Station, and creative director of Pandora’s Legacy LLC, she is a… Read more →

Darin Kennedy: Doctor by Day, Novelist By Night

Darin Kennedy: Doctor by Day, Novelist By Night

Darin Kennedy wrote his first novel, Pawn’s Gambit, while posted to Iraq as a US Army doctor. After becoming a civilian, he published that novel and its siblings in The Pawn Stratagem chess-themed trilogy with Falstaff Books. Fugue & Fable, a trilogy born of his dual loves of classical music and world mythology soon followed. Kennedy has written one young… Read more →