Ambassador Molari Speaks Out

What do wild hair, run away eyebrows, and Switzerland have in common? Answer: Londo Mollari.

Londo, the ambassador for the Centauri Republic on Babylon 5, played by Peter Jurasik has had some interesting moments, both on and off the set. From “hair raising” stories of make up sessions to fond memories of his co-stars on the sci-fi series Babylon 5, Peter enlightened the rapt crowd with amusing stories, and of course Lando’s unique view point on many things.

Questions ranged from the most embarrassing moments on the show; when his eyebrow ran away during a scene, to when he nearly had to do a love scene with G’Kar, his mortal enemy, or his disastrous appearance at a German sci-fi Con. Despite playing a role his wife thinks he was made for, or may have been made for him, he is glad to be leaving Londo. He said that he feels that if he let it, that the role would, in his words, “Eat me,” and that it is time to move on and try something new. He also said that he was interested in how the next generation would carry on the traditions that he and the original crew started.

But beyond the show, Peter shared with us stories of when he first became interested in acting, when he was in the seminary, as well as his new found interest in writing.

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