Dragon*Con Wrestling (Sorry, No Midgets or Blood)

If you wandered into Regency Hall at 7PM Friday, you may have wondered if you’d wandered too far due to the wrestling ring in the center of the room.  The zombies and samurai were reassurance that you were still in Dragon*Con territory.  Though wrestling isn’t the biggest draw of the con, a crowd began gathering early, and by the start of the event, the audience, who had been doing much to entertain themselves, was filled. Dragon*Con Wrestling first-timers wondered if there was some sort of twist to the event.  As one attendee said, “I don’t like wrestling, but this may be a bit different.”  The wrestling, however, was relatively normal, as wrestling goes.

The D*CW was made up, mostly, of two federations, the Triple Xtreme Wrestling (TXW) and the Southern Georgia Wrestling Alliance (SGWA).  A third federation, the National Wrestling Alliance, was also involved.  Unfortunately, midget wrestling was not included this year because they were unavailable.  Wrestling has been at Dragon*Con for at least seven years, according to A.J. “Big Daddy” who has worked with wrestling for the past four.

There were a total of seven matches between characters like “The Nerd” and “Flip N’ Chicken,” and the finale was a free-for-all between the two federations.  I could sum up the matches for you, but no words can accurately describe what Dragon*Con Wrestling is.  If you’re coming next year, stop in and watch for yourself.

Author of the article