Author of the article

Bobbie Nelson has been a vagabond most of her life. During high school, she was known to be a card-carrying member of the Doctor Who Club and is suspected of trying to overthrow the world with her cat, Mrs. Kibby. After attending college, she took up her traveling shoes, and as part of a touring theatre company, she toured in the United States, Canada, and overseas. At the end of three years, she moved back to Texas to pursue a major in Library Science and became a librarian in Georgia. She currently works at the Roswell Library as a reference librarian. She has been seen many times at Dragon*Con, mostly in the company of some unusual characters, including the photography staff. She and her husband met at Dragon*Con—reports of something in the water being the cause have proven inconclusive. Currently, she is a working for the Daily Dragon. Her co-conspirator for the overthrow of the world may have changed to Fetch, the Daily Dragon's mascot. Updates will be forthcoming as the con progresses.