Take Me Out to the Sheraton

In its first year as a host hotel, the Sheraton met the warm embrace of Dragon*Con attendees and their sweet, sweet parties. The Sheraton became party central Saturday night as music from three parties echoed through the hotel’s halls. Its distance from the other host hotels did nothing to deter any partiers who flooded the streets as they trekked to their favorite get-together.

The Whedonverse devotees threw a Mighty Fine Shindig Saturday night in the Grand Ballroom, featuring live music and many Browncoats. With hundreds of costumed devotees, the Shindig was the largest of the three parties, also offered fortune cookies with custom-made fortunes.

An appearance by Edward James Olmos and most of the cast of Battlestar Galactica was the highlight of the Colonial Party in the basement of the Sheraton. Olmos thanked fans as he extolled BSG as an example of science fiction at its finest. He then led the room in a rousing exchange of “So say we all!”

A cutout of a smiling Captain Benjamin Sisko watched as the TrekTrak threw one of its largest Rainbow Flag parties. Same-gender loving couples got down to the latest techno grooves.

Author of the article

Matt Schafer is an award-winning former journalist who left the land of daily deadlines to pursue a career in novel writing. More on him and his work can be found at firstfolio.blogspot.com.