The Last Torchwood Panel

Sunday morning was the last guest-attended panel for Torchwood during Dragon*Con 2008. Gareth David-Lloyd and Anthony Lewis appeared and regaled fans with stories from the set of the British science fiction drama.

Among the many highlights was a question for Gareth and Anthony asking who they’d love to work for. Anthony wanted a 70s era Robert De Niro, while Gareth is a fan of Gary Oldman. The suggestion that Torchwood seems to be right up Oldman’s alley left Gareth speechless. Gareth also treated the crowd to a short, impromptu rendition of Dance Magic by David Bowie from the movie Labyrinth, much to the delight of the crowd.

Gareth and Anthony fielded questions from fans on topics ranging from the popularity of Torchwood amongst academic scholars, to which Gareth remarked he’d have to tell Torchwood creator Russell T. Davies about that, to a fan asking if Gareth, as a regular cast member, was worried about any changes to the Torchwood formula due to its move to the lead BBC-1 channel. Gareth replied that he wasn’t worried, and that the cast and crew were excited about it, as means Torchwood will likely reach a broader audience.

Gareth and Anthony ended their last panel at Dragon*Con 2008 to thunderous applause. We hope they return next year.

Author of the article

Desiree Jackson is no stranger to Dragon*Con and conventions in general. She's attended and worked in various capacities at different conventions for almost 15 years. Her devotion to fandom was sealed when introduced to fan fiction (by her mom) in high school. Although she mainly volunteers as a beta reader, Desiree has been known to write a story here and there. She's an avid science fiction fan and is excited to be working with the Daily Dragon this year.  She is thankful to be working with her talented and devoted (both to her and to scifi & the Daily Dragon) husband, Jason.