Munchkin 2009 US-SE Tournament

This year, Steve Jackson Games is holding the 2009 U.S. Southeast Regional Munchkin Tournament at Dragon*Con. Expect swarms of Men in Black to invade the gaming area! Will you be one of the three craftiest munchkins at the con competing at the finalists table?

The tournament for the three remaining seats will take place on Friday at 2PM, 4:30PM, and 7PM. The Final Round will be held Sunday at 6PM. Registration is free. Sign up at Board Gaming, Galleria (Hil).

Related events include the Munchkin Gauntlet (how many varieties of Munchkin can you play?) and the Saturday Night Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirl (SPANC) party. Win prizes for good costuming and good game play!

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