Sunless Dawn Guild of Auchendoun Scavenger Hunt

Sunless Dawn of Auchendoun will be hosting a World of Warcraft scavenger hunt at Dragon*Con. Be on the lookout for quest givers and hidden items that will be scattered throughout the convention from 10AM to midnight, Friday through Sunday.

Quest givers and takers will be clearly marked with giant exclamation marks and question marks over their heads, just like in the game! One quest giver can (nearly) always be found around the Hanover room or the Writing track (Hyatt), one quest giver can (almost always) be found in the Artist track area (Hyatt), and the others will be roaming the convention. Each item will have a sign identifying it as a Sunless Dawn quest item.

Email (Jane Murray) DKSYD (at) aol (dot) com for more information.

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