Atlanta Radio Theater Company Revised Show Descriptions and Summaries for 2010

The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company gets your Dragon*Con off to the right start with an evening designed to rev the imagination into high gear through the Magic of Radio. Our feature presentation will be The House Across the Way by Kelley S. Ceccato. Three sisters are pursuing George Dasher, the music teacher who lives in the house across the way. A pity that one of them is dead. Special guest musician Paul Mercer.

Also included in this presentation: The Proper Thing to Do by Brad Linaweaver and William Alan Ritch. Adapted for audio by William Alan Ritch. It was not your typical alien invasion. No death rays. No destruction of cities. The aliens were killing us with kindness! How do you handle unexpected and unwanted Guests? What is the proper thing to do? Fri 7PM, Regency VI-VII (Hyatt)

Master horror writer H. P. Lovecraft was born 120 years ago and today his cult of Cthulhu enthusiasts has spread across the globe, much as he predicted the Great Old Ones themselves would do when the stars were right. Join ARTC as we celebrate the birth of one of our favorite and most popular writers with our bestselling adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness, adapted for audio by Brad Strickland. In this classic horror story, an old man consents to a radio interview. In that interview a number of terrible truths come out. The truth about an expedition to Antarctica in the 1920’s where everyone died horribly. The truth about an attempt to find the expedition’s mysterious killers. The truth about a desolate plateau in the heart of a frozen continent. The truth about life and intelligence on the planet Earth. And the truth about the prehistoric horror that still waits lurking—At the Mountains of Madness.

With special guest musicians The Ghosts Project.

Also included in this presentation, Time and Time Again by H. Beam Piper, adapted for audio by Ron N. Butler. Major Allan Hartley lies in the snow, dying of burns and radiation poisoning. A victim of the nuclear bomb that destroyed Buffalo, New York, in the early days of the Third World War. He drifts into darkness. When he awakens, he is in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 1945. In his childhood home. In his bedroom. In his thirteen-year-old body. He must struggle to retain his sanity as he learns that you can live your life—Time and Time Again. Sun 7PM, Regency VI-VII (Hyatt)

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