Stroll with the Stars at Dragon*Con

Go for a morning stroll with some of your favorite authors, artists, and editors. Get out for an hour in the fresh air for a healthy—but leisurely—one-mile walk and some good conversation. Every morning (Fri 9/3 through Mon 9/6), 9-10AM, beginning from the sidewalk in front of the Hyatt (Peachtree St. entrance).

Practice Lap – Join us to get the “lay of the land.” Some of our Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Stars may join us.


  • Kate Baker – Podcast Director for multiple Hugo nominated Clarkesworld Magazine
  • Deanna Hoak – World Fantasy Award nominated copy-editor
  • Farah Mendlesohn – Hugo Award winning co-author of The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
  • James Palmer – Writer, editor, and author who has written for Strange Horizons, RevolutionSF, and the Internet Review of Science Fiction
  • Stephen H. Segal – Hugo Award winning editor of Weird Tales

SUNDAY – Pyr Books Stroll:

  • Lou Anders – 4-time Hugo Award nominated editorial director of Pyr Books
  • James Enge – Author of the Morlock the Maker series
  • Laura Anne Gilman – Author of Cosa Nostadamus and the critically acclaimed The Vinehart War trilogy
  • Clay and Susan Griffith – Authors of Vampire Empire – The Greyfriar
  • Erin Hoffman – Author of the upcoming Sword of Fire and Sea
  • Ari Marmell – RPG writer and author of the upcoming Pyr Books The Goblin Corps and Household Gods
  • Andrew P. Mayer – Game designer and author of the upcoming Society of Steam
  • Farah Mendlesohn – Hugo Award winning co-author of The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
  • John Picacio – World Fantasy Award winning illustrator
  • Jon Sprunk – Author of Shadow’s Son
  • Sam Sykes – Author of Tome of the Undergates


  • Laura Anne Gilman – Author of Cosa Nostadamus and the critically acclaimed The Vinehart War trilogy
  • Deanna Hoak – World Fantasy Award nominated copy-editor
  • Farah Mendlesohn – Hugo Award winning co-author of The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
  • Andrew P. Mayer – Game designer and author of the upcoming Society of Steam
  • Stephen H. Segal – Hugo Award winning editor of Weird Tales

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