A Thank You Shout-Out to Dragon*Con Staff and LifeSouth

The Dragon*Con volunteer staff work very hard and are often unappreciated, so when the Daily Dragon received this shout-out request, we found it refreshing and inspiring. We hope you will too:

Dragon*Con brings out the best in people, and the worst. I confess I am an example of the latter; regarding the best, I will explain:

The setting was Thursday afternoon of last year at Registration. After reading over a hundred comments about the lines, I don’t have to go into detail. It’s enough to state that my two friends and I had separated, one going to another room for on-site registration, the other lost in the alphabet soup.

I was almost to the head of the line for my letter when a voice boomed out: “There has been a medical emergency!” Then I heard my name called. I made my way forward to learn that my friend in the other room had fainted.

I regret that “Is she all right?” were not the first words out of my mouth. Instead, I blurted out: “But I am almost to the head of the line!”

So much for the worst behavior. This is the part where the best appears in the form of Dragon*Con staff. A young woman (I believe her badge ID was “Wild Rose”) offered to take my postcard and ID, get my badge, and bring it to me! Then another Dragon*Con staffer (a young man whose name I did not get) escorted me through a maze to my friend. Along the way, I realized that my friend, who had flown in earlier that day, had donated blood and then walked from the Marriott to the Sheraton for Registration. Thankfully, that was the crux of the problem. When I arrived, she was well attended by LifeSouth personnel, especially Nurse Bonnie.

I do not recommend this as a way to fast-track getting your badge, but I am very grateful to the Dragon*Con staff and to LifeSouth for their gracious, caring assistance. A much belated thank you very much to all.

—Rosalie Tibbetts

Author of the article