The Steampunk Exhibition at Dragon*Con 2010

Steampunk, combining the elegance of the Victorian age with futuristic vision, has exploded as a subculture in recent years, generating a host of novels, comics, and movies that explore the “what if” world of a scientifically advanced nineteenth century. Drawing on modern vision and elegance of the era, Steampunk inventors and artists combine anachronistic elements with antique components and inventive engineering to build beautifully bizarre objects, gadgets, and gear to function in an alternate Victorian history.

A recent Steampunk exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Oxford, England, attracted over 70,000 visitors interested in learning more about the creative genius behind the subculture’s vintage visionary art and design.

Don’t miss “The Steampunk Exhibition” at Dragon*Con, a showcase of the best Steampunk builders, inventors, and craftsmen from across the U.S. Featuring all the mechanical contraptions, elegant gear, and re-imagined Victorian devices, peopled by pith-helmeted British explorers and goggled Airship captains and superheroes, “The Steampunk Exhibition” will showcase the inventions, modifications, and designs of the Steampunk subculture’s most noted builders. Featured exhibitors include Doktor A, the British designer of Mechtorians, Atlanta-area designers Penny Dreadful Productions and Outland Armor, whose work has attracted worldwide notice, as well as many noted Steampunk craftsmen from across the U.S.

It’s going to be a grand conglomeration of mechanics, art, metal, and imagination! (and steam) Sun 4PM, Peachtree Ballroom at the “Wild, Wild Westin”

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