Ensure Children with Disabilities Do Not Sit on the Sidelines: Vote for the National Inclusion Project in Pepsi’s Refresh Everything Challenge

The National Inclusion Project is this year’s Dragon*Con charity beneficiary. Please help them earn a $50,000 “Refresh Everything Challenge” grant from Pepsi where the top ten organizations, by vote, each receive a $50,000 grant at the end of the month!

We have only ten days left, and we’ve slipped into 11th place (one away from getting the grant). You can vote three ways every day:

  • By logging in through Facebook;
  • Logging in at the Pepsi website; and
  • By texting 108169 to Pepsi at (73774).

Please try to do this as many days out of the next ten as possible. We were in 10th place until yesterday, and we can pull it back up. If we don’t win for August, we won’t get another chance. So please contact everyone you can as soon as possible! And vote!

Thank you!

Author of the article