RevolutionSF Comes to Dragon*Con, the online magazine and community dedicated to celebrating the best in science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming is coming to Dragon*Con!

  • “Stump The Geeks 2011”: A sci-fi TV and movies trivia game show hosted by’s Joe Crowe. (Of note: one audience member said during last year’s contest, “Will there be any real trivia questions?”) The only rule is that when you answer wrong, you get sprayed with Hulk-brand cologne. Yes, it is a real cologne, and yes, its aroma is incredible. Fri 7PM, A703 (Marriott).

And two live podcast events!

  • “Revcast Live! The Dragon*Con Edition” Join’s Joe Crowe, Gary Mitchel, Deanna Toxopeus (via phone), and author James Palmer as they do a live recording of RevolutionSF’s Revcast. In this special Dragon*Con edition, we’ll be discussing all things Dragon*Con, fandom, and maybe, just maybe, Joe will regale the audience with his Lou Ferrigno story. Come join us and hear how he was almost creamed by the Hulk! Fri 2:30PM, A703 (Marriott).
  • “RevolutionSF’s RevCast–Live” Hosted by the Podcasting Track! Mon 1PM, 204 (Hilton).

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