Celebrating 35 Years: Terry Brooks and Del Rey

In Hanover C-E (H) was bestselling author Terry Brooks and Del Rey’s senior editor Betsy Mitchell. It was obvious there was a wonderful working relationship between the two.  Brooks, now in his 35th year as a published author, talked about his writing. He sees himself as an “adventure writer” rather than a SF writer. His new series, Legends of Shannara, is doing well. He is now promoting it on tour. His newest book, The Measure of the Magic, is out. The first book, Bearers of the Staff, came out last year.

Mitchell brought up another new series that Brooks has written, to be released in the summer of 2012. The Legacy of Shannara will open with the first book, The Wards of Faerie. This is a promising series and fans eagerly await its arrival.

Dark Wraith of Shannara is the only graphic novel Brooks produced. One of the audience members asked if there would be another. Brooks, although not against the idea, didn’t see that happening. The audience seemed a little disappointed until he surprised members by announcing that he will release a reprint of his first series next year.  It will contain new artwork in tribute to the 35th anniversary of the series.

Although he normally produces one book a year, next year there will be three. Make sure to check out his series.

Author of the article

Award-winning author Amanda Faith may have been raised in Dayton, but her heart and home is in the South. With a lifelong love of teaching and writing, she had plenty of encouragement from teachers and friends along the way. Loving a good puzzle has always been a fascination, and writing gives her the outlet to put all the pieces together. Being adventurous and loving to try new things, it wasn’t long before her characters found themselves in unusual situations. She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how they interact, taking them on journeys they would never have normally experienced. Her current adventure working as a high school English professor turned Media Specialist, writing, and doing paranormal investigations doesn’t slow her down from having a great time with a plethora of hobbies. Her published credits include several short stories, poetry, several journal articles, her doctoral dissertation, and her award-winning book Strength of Spirit. With multiple degrees, she has a passion for learning and exploring new venues. She is a staff writer for The Daily Dragon at Dragon Con. Check out her new website (www.amandafaith.net) or on Instagram (@dramandafaith)