2013 Blood Drive Results

This was the best Dragon Con Blood Drive we’ve ever had! We nearly broke the 3,000 donors drawn mark. Our average donation time was 52 minutes from start to finish. Thanks for all of your support and we look forward to doing even better next year!

[WB=Whole Blood; APH=Apheresis; 2RBC=Automated Red Blood Cell donation]

Totals for Dragon Con 2013:

  • WB: 2601
  • APH: 130
  • 2RBC: 241
  • Collected: 2972

Total Products: 6074

Broken down by day:

Thursday 8/29/2013:

  • WB: 671
  • APH: 24
  • 2RBC: 77
  • Collected: 772

Total Products: 1568

Friday 8/30/2013:

  • WB: 678
  • APH: 28
  • 2RBC: 70
  • Collected: 776

Total Products: 1580

Saturday 8/31/2013:

  • WB: 458
  • APH: 30
  • 2RBC: 38
  • Collected: 526

Total Products: 1082

Sunday 9/1/2013:

  • WB: 498
  • APH: 31
  • 2RBC: 31
  • Collected: 560

Total Products: 1151

Monday 9/2/2013:

  • WB: 296
  • APH: 17
  • 2RBC: 25
  • Collected: 338

Total Products: 693

Author of the article