Dragon Con Official Harassment Policy

We value your safety and take pride in Dragon Con being a safe place where everybody is welcome and anybody can be whomever they desire. As such, certain kinds of offensive or harassing behavior will not be tolerated. To the best of our ability, we intend to eliminate inappropriate conduct from the convention. We have revised our convention policies to be clearer on this point.

Harassment of any kind, including physically or verbally threatening, annoying, unwelcoming attentions, stalking, pushing, shoving, or use of physical force which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, as well as any boisterous, lewd, or generally offensive behavior or language, using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct, or profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious, or ethnic slurs will be considered harassment.

If people tell you NO, your business with them is done. If you continue to attempt to have contact with such people, you may be removed from the premises and your membership revoked.

Remember: “No” means no. “Stop” means stop. “Go away” means go away.

Costuming is not consent.

We have also taken steps to make it easier to report instances of harassing behavior. It is very important that if you are being harassed or are in any way endangered, you report it immediately. We cannot address anything that we are not made aware of, and we need whatever details can be provided, such as names, badge numbers, or other descriptive information.

If you feel you have been harassed, please find the nearest Dragon Con volunteer. This year, all 1,800 Dragon Con volunteers will be easily recognized by their red lanyards. They will direct you to security operations in the Marriott.

If, at any time, you feel that your personal safety or the safety of others is in jeopardy, please contact the Atlanta Police Department in an emergency via 9-1-1. The Atlanta Police Department non-emergency phone number for Zone 5 is 404-658-7830.

You may also go directly to security operations—room M102 in the Marriott on the Marquis level—to report an incident. We have set up a private screening area, staffed by an Atlanta Police Department officer, to counsel individuals who feel they have been harassed. We will work closely with you and the APD to determine the best course of action.

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