Baen Authors Autographing Schedule

Get the autographs of some of your favorite authors, such as Mercedes Lackey, Jody Lynn Nye, and Larry Niven, this year at Dragon Con! They’ll be signing at Larry Smith Books, Booth 2015, Building 1, Floor 2, AmericasMart Exhibition Hall:


  • 3:00PM: John Ringo
  • 4:30PM: Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon, Veronica Giguere, and Cody Martin
  • 6:00PM: Michael Z. Williamson and Jody Lynn Nye


  • 12:30PM: Jody Lynn Nye
  • 2:30PM: Timothy Zahn
  • 4:30PM: Larry Niven
  • 5:30PM: Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon, Veronica Giguere, and Cody Martin


  • 1:00PM: Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon, Veronica Giguere, and Cody Martin
  • 4:00PM: John Ringo
  • 5:30PM: S. M. Stirling


  • 11:00AM: Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon

And don’t miss the “Baen Traveling Road Show & Prize Patrol” Sun 2:30PM, Regency V (Hyatt).

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