Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Marathon

For 2013, we’re celebrating 50 years of our favorite Time Lord with a massive, weekend-long Doctor Who Marathon in the Main Video Room (Techwood in the Hyatt) featuring dozens of episodes from all 11 Doctors. See episodes that have not been aired in the U.S. in over 20 years! Watch your favorite Doctor or get to know a Doctor you may not have seen.

Check out the schedule (in addition to our listing here, the schedule will be in the Pocket Program and Dragon Con app):

9:00 PM Doctor Who Marathon Pot Luck
12:00 PM Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child
1:35 PM Doctor Who: The Daleks
4:30 PM Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
7:00 PM Doctor Who: Tomb of the Cybermen
8:35 PM Doctor Who: The Mind Robber
10:15 PM Doctor Who: The Seeds Of Death
12:40 AM Doctor Who: The War Games
4:40 AM Doctor Who: Spearhead From Space
6:15 AM Doctor Who: Doctor Who and the Silurians
9:05 AM Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons
10:40 AM Doctor Who: The Three Doctors
12:20 PM Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders
2:50 PM Doctor Who: Robot
4:30 PM Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin
6:10 PM Doctor Who: Shada
8:00 PM Doctor Who: Castrovalva
9:35 PM Doctor Who: Black Orchid
10:25 PM Doctor Who: The Five Doctors
12:05 AM Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani
1:45 AM Doctor Who: The Twin Dilema
3:25 AM Doctor Who: The Two Doctors
5:40 AM Doctor Who: Time and the Rani
7:20 AM Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks
9:00 AM Doctor Who: Survival
10:15 AM Doctor Who: The Enemy Within
11:40 AM Doctor Who: Rose
12:25 PM Doctor Who: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
1:50 PM Doctor Who: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
3:15 PM Doctor Who: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
4:45 PM Doctor Who: Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Timelords
7:10 PM Doctor Who: Silence in the Library/Forrest of the Dead1:30
8:40 PM Doctor Who: Human Nature/The Family of Blood
10:10 PM Doctor Who: Turn Left
10:55 PM Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End
12:45 AM Doctor Who: The End Of Time
2:15 AM Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour
3:20 AM Doctor Who: The Time Of Angels/Flesh & Stone
4:45 AM Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
6:30 AM Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
8:00 AM Doctor Who: The Doctor’s Wife
8:45 AM Doctor Who: The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
10:15 AM Doctor Who:  A Good Man Goes To War
11:00 AM Doctor Who:  Let’s Kill Hitler
11:45 AM Doctor Who: The Wedding Of River Song
12:30 PM Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan
1:15 PM Doctor Who: The Bells of St. John
2:00 PM Doctor Who:  Journey to the Center of the TARDIS
2:45 PM Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor

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