Kaleidoscope Track Baby Dragon Hunt

kt_baby_dragon_huntA large portion of Dragon Con’s family related programming is located in the Marriott. However, the four other Dragon Con host hotels also have a lot of family friendly activities to offer. The hard part is figuring out where they are and finding the time to get to them. To help you discover them, the Kaleidoscope Track is hosting a Baby Dragon Hunt throughout the convention.

We’ve hidden pictures of a certain baby dragon in all five host hotels in the Dragon Con convention spaces. There will be big dragons, small dragons, shy dragons, roaming dragons, and even a few zombie dragons. While you’re enjoying all that Dragon Con has to offer, keep a keen eye out for these baby dragons. As you find them, you can mark them off on an instruction sheet that will be available several ways. It will be:

Once they’ve completed hatching, we’ll provide the final number of dragons per hotel as well as the final number of roaming dragons. Unlike a scavenger hunt which requires the collection of items or interaction with strangers, the Baby Dragon Hunt only requires the participants see our dragons and check them off the list. There is no time restriction, so work together as a family and have fun!

Every dragon needs a place to call home. This year, the Kaleidoscope Track room is the Baby Dragon Home Base. Any baby dragons found inside the Kaleidoscope Track room are considered napping and not available for counting.

Having problems finding all the baby dragons? Information Services and Kaleidoscope Volunteer Staffers can provide clues (if asked politely).

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