Gaming, Gaming, GAMING!

Are you a gamer? Whatever way you get your game on, Dragon Con has you covered!

  • Tabletop Gaming: One of our oldest tracks, Tabletop Gaming is the track for any game which traces its ancestry back to pen and paper RPGs, including board games, live-action role-playing games, card games, miniature games, as well as RPGs (campaign and non-campaign) and gamer culture in general. Gaming has undergone a dramatic change in the past decade. Indie games, Kickstarter, the explosion of board games, and the mainstreaming of geek culture have completely transformed gaming culture. So come join the revolution!
  • LAN Gaming: You need to get in a little game time at Dragon Con? The LAN Gaming track is the place to be to take a break and get your “Game On.”
  • Video Gaming: The Video Gaming track has programming for fans of video games who are looking to meet like-minded folks as well as programming for those who want a peek behind the curtain to see how video games are made. Featuring fan events and costume contests for games like World of Warcraft as well as behind the scenes looks at games such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect. We also take a look at the year’s hot game industry issues—new hardware launches, new business models, and social concerns like discrimination in online gaming communities.

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