Vote for Your Favorite Costume

The Hall Costume Contest is the only costume contest at Dragon*Con where the winners are voted on and decided by you! You’ve seen the pictures. You know how great the costumes of your fellow attendees can be! So be sure to head over to the registration table in front of Centennial IV (Hyatt) to cast your ballot for your favorites…. Read more →

2012 Progress Report Cover

2012 Progress Report Online

Our 2012 Progress Report is now being mailed out and showing up at comic book stores all around Atlanta! But don’t despair if you didn’t get it. You can view it online or download it. Don’t miss this 64-page booklet detailing the latest information on guests, fan tracks, contests, dealers/exhibitors, and other convention related information.

Write a Story in an Hour, Really!

For those fans who, like me, are already missing Dragon*Con 2011 and already pining for Dragon*Con 2012 to arrive, here’s your chance for a bit of dragonish fun.  At the very first panel of the Writer’s Track (WRIT), Fri 10AM, I took copious notes on the interactive workshop “Write a Story in an Hour,” wrangled by author Gary Hayes, a… Read more →

Final 2011 Blood Drive Figures

Herein the Monday blood drive figures and the final numbers for the whole convention. Monday: 388 people attempted to give whole blood. 309 people successfully donated. 290 units of blood drawn, 848 units of blood processed. For the whole convention: Total People Registered: 3449 Total People Drawn: 2938 Total Units Drawn: 2754 Total Units Processed: 8039 That’s an almost 400-person… Read more →

Blood Drive Figures for Sunday

We’re so proud of y’all! 678 people attempted to give whole blood. 596 people successfully donated. 1,594 successful units of blood gathered. Our four-day total is 3,057 people! The blood drive is still open until 3PM. Go give them your precious bodily fluids in A701, A702, A708 (Marriott).