A Bloody Good Time

Coming onstage Friday morning in front of a packed Atrium ballroom (M), Charlaine Harris, Jim Parrack, Joe Manganiello, and Kristin Bauer were greeted with deafening cheers and blinding flashbulbs. The True Blood actors and the author of the Sookie Stackhouse novels teased the audience with hints about what is coming in the last few episodes of season four as well… Read more →

Who Are You, Behind that Mask?

Imagine a room full of elegant revelers, each wearing a sinful, decadent, or mysterious mask. That’s the scene this reporter found herself in at the 25th Anniversary Masked Ball on Friday night in Regency VI-VII (Hy). The line wrapped and twisted, filled with the buzz of anticipation mixed with sophistication. While waiting for The Ghosts Project to begin their set,… Read more →

Christopher Lloyd pic ThomStanley

Lloyd and Tolkan Take Us Back…to the Future

The Alternate History track presented a panel featuring the stars of the Back to the Future franchise. Christopher Lloyd (Dr. Emmett Brown) and James Tolkan (Principal Strickland) fielded questions from the enthusiastic crowd. When asked what Principal Strickland would have said to them when they were in high school, Tolkan replied that for a certain period, he was a slacker…. Read more →

Steampunk Basics

The “Steampunk 101” panel in the Westin International B-C room at 1 PM featured a knowledgeable group from various backgrounds prepared to answer questions posed to them by the audience. The first part of the session started with a background on the origins of steampunk and how the name originated. Each panel member contributed to this history lesson. The second… Read more →

Imagicopter Hovers Over Dragon*Con

Imagicopter—Imagination’s Helicopter—is hovering over Dragon*Con in the guise of “passenger” artists and authors.  H. David Blalock, MidSouth Events Coordinator for Imagicopter, said that the voluntary, creative cooperative does not have an official presence at Dragon*Con, “since Imagicopter does not accept money from or give money to its participants.”  Nonetheless, Imagicopter participants at Dragon*Con 2011 include: authors Elizabeth Donald (Nocturne, Abaddon,… Read more →

Blood Drive Figures for Thursday

Thursday figures are in. Y’all did amazing! 886 people attempted to give whole blood. 735 people successfully donated resulting in 2,200 units of blood gathered. 678 successful whole blood units gathered. Thursday’s one-day total was 886 people! For comparison: our previous one-day total was 560 people! Keep it up!

To Costume or Not to Costume: That Is The Question

How do you decide if you want to come in costume to Dragon*Con? Some participants do and go to great expense in doing so. Others come in t-shirts and jeans just to attend the panels and parties. Is there a right answer? After eight years, I decided I would come in costume. It is my first time planning and coordinating… Read more →

It’s All In The Moves

“Beginning Belly Dancing” took place in the Hyatt International North Room Friday at 11:30 AM. The dance class was open to everyone of any experience level. Phoenicia, who led this workshop, was a joy to watch. She made the participants laugh, move, and had a great time. Spending an hour on the floor with approximately 60 other people was fun…. Read more →