Downtown Atlanta Traffic Disruptions

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution warns that there will be crews surveying sewer lines in downtown Atlanta on the weekdays before and after Labor Day weekend. The work is scheduled to occur from 7AM to 5PM on weekdays now through Sept. 9. The impacted roads are Courtland St., Ellis St., Irwin St., Jackson St., and Peachtree Center Ave. If you’re driving in… Read more →

Pocket Program and Schedule Grid PDFs for Download

Pocket Program and Schedule Grid PDFs for Download

The PDF version of the 2009 Pocket Program is available for download, either in full or two parts: Full 2009 Pocket Program (7 MB Includes Maps) Pocket Program-Main Section (1.5 MB No Pull-Out Section) Pocket Program-Pullout Section (6.5 MB Includes Maps) The PDF version of the 2009 Schedule Grids are available for download (these are fitted to a standard page… Read more →

Super Heroes Weekend at Zoo Atlanta

Show your Dragon*Con badge at Zoo Atlanta on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (Sept. 5-7) and enjoy Super Heroes Weekend for only $20.99! Admission includes all Super Heroes Weekend special activities, including the legendary Marvel Comics™ characters Spider-Man™, Wolverine™, Storm™, and Green Goblin™ in six live-action shows at 11AM and 2PM each day. Attendees will also get to enjoy an exclusive… Read more →

2009 Charity Auction to Benefit the American Alzheimer’s Association

As many as 5.3 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, which destroys brain cells—causing problems with memory, thinking, and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies, and social life. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, and it is fatal. The most common form of dementia, accounting for 50 to 70% of dementia cases, it is currently the sixth-leading cause of… Read more →

Munchkin 2009 US-SE Tournament

This year, Steve Jackson Games is holding the 2009 U.S. Southeast Regional Munchkin Tournament at Dragon*Con. Expect swarms of Men in Black to invade the gaming area! Will you be one of the three craftiest munchkins at the con competing at the finalists table? The tournament for the three remaining seats will take place on Friday at 2PM, 4:30PM, and… Read more →

2009 Dragon*Con Parade Sign-Up

Be part of the 8th Annual Dragon*Con Parade!  Come to our table just outside Convention Registration in the Sheraton Thu 4-9:30PM or Fri 9AM-9:30PM to sign up, check in, and pick up your parade ribbons. The parade starts at 10AM Sat.  The route will go from Woodruff Park (Peachtree and Auburn Ave., about 4.5 blocks south of the Hyatt’s front… Read more →

Daily Dragon Tweets

Daily Dragon Tweets

Worried about missing the latest Dragon*Con news at the convention?  Now you can get Daily Dragon updates from Twitter!  Receive tweets whenever we publish new schedule changes or a new article or interview. Just follow daily_dragon on Twitter.