Donate to the Charity Auction at Dragon Con

The 2015 Dragon Con Charity Auction benefits the Lymphoma Research Foundation–Georgia Market. Dragon Con will be matching all donations up to $50,000. In 2014, Dragon Con raised a grand total of $115,000 for the Atlanta Community Food Bank and collected 535 pounds of food. The auction will be accepting donations during the convention! 

Blood Drive Has a New Main Location!

Give the gift of life and donate blood at Dragon Con’s annual Robert A. Heinlein “Pay It Forward” Blood Drive. This year, the blood drive will be located in the Lower/Galleria Level at the Hilton (near Gaming) and in the Atlanta Ballroom at the Sheraton (near Registration). Blood drive hours: Hilton Thu: 11AM–8PM Fri–Sun: 10AM–7PM Mon:  9AM–3PM Sheraton Thu:  11AM–8PM Fri: 10AM–7PM

Eugie Foster: In Memoriam

Eugie Foster: In Memoriam

On behalf of the DC2KWriters One should sorrow, but not sink under sorrow’s oppression. —Eugie Foster, “Mortal Clay, Stone Heart” (2010) On September 27, 2014, we lost Eugie Foster, editor of the Daily Dragon, to the frailty of what she often called her “human suit.” Her spirit lives on in her enduring body of work, including nominated and award-winning fiction…. Read more →

Give Them Dragon Con and They Will Come

Dragon Con. There is no other Con quite like it. Every year, thousands descend on Atlanta, GA, for a fun, activity-packed, nothing-like-you-have-ever-experienced-before, time-of-your-life opportunity. It is not for the weak of heart. You have made the decision to go. Your cosplay costume is ready. Your pocket program is carefully marked with all of the panels you want to attend. You… Read more →

Dragon Con for Newbies

New to Dragon Con? We’ve got three ways to get you oriented! First up is the Newbies Walking Tour, which will show you the best way to get from one con hotel to another and where the food court is. Thu 2:30PM, A601–602 (Marriott). Afterward, hit up the Dragon Con Newbies Q&A, where several long-time con attendees will share tips… Read more →

Twice the DCTV in 2015!

Twice the DCTV in 2015!

We know con attendees can never get enough of DragonConTV. That’s why, for 2015, DCTV will be providing not one, but two channels in most host hotels. In addition to the usual DCTV feed, broadcasting current panels, ads, bumpers, and fan films, we’ll also have DCTV LAND, running classic content on a second channel in the Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton, and… Read more →

2015 Parsec Awards Finalists

Founded in 2006, The Parsec Awards celebrate speculative fiction podcasting. Podcast shows are nominated by fans, finalists chosen by a yearly steering committee, and finalists voted on by an independent panel of judges from outside of podcasting. The 2015 Parsec Awards ceremony will be held on Sunday, September 6, at 5:30PM in Regency V (Hyatt).