Guardians of the Galaxy and the Brothers Gunn

Guardians of the Galaxy and the Brothers Gunn

On Saturday evening, one of the most anticipated panels of this year’s Dragon Con was so chock full of super-awesome-yumminess that this reporter wrote faster than a mouse skating on a frozen pond in a cat harem. James Gunn, writer and director of Guardians of the Galaxy, and his brother Sean Gunn, who was the stand-in on set for the… Read more →

Of Magic and Strategy

Of Magic and Strategy

The “Magical Tactics” panel (Fantasy Literature, Fri 4PM, Hyatt Embassy C) examined two different aspects of magic in stories. Track director and moderator Catherine Moore and authors Jaym Gates, Kacey Ezell, David Farland, and Elizabeth Moon looked at the ways authors incorporate magic in stories and make them believable. The moderator began by asking the panelists to introduce themselves. Gates,… Read more →

Middle Earth Invades Dragon Con

Middle Earth Invades Dragon Con

Both the “Guests of Middle Earth” panel (Friday 11:30AM in the Marriott) and the “Tolkein Guests” panel (Saturday 11:30AM in the Marriott) started with the trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, featuring Billy Boyd’s song “Home is Behind” from The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. The audience cheered as the trailer ended and moderator… Read more →

The Parade: Fun to Watch or Walk

The Parade: Fun to Watch or Walk

You know it’s Dragon Con Parade day (Sat, 10AM) when you see dragons of all types, stormtroopers of various eras, pastafarians, robots on segways, zombies, LARPers, and cardboard-box superheroes all dancing, lurching, fighting, and weaving down the streets of the city. The crowds were thick again this year and seemed to particularly enjoy the Colonial Fleet from Battlestar Galactica, the… Read more →

Voice Actors LIVE

This year’s Voice Actors LIVE gave fans a chance to see the faces behind the voices they love. The panel took place on Friday at 4PM at the Hyatt International South Ballroom and included famous voice actors Caitlin Glass, Mike McFarland, Kyle Hebert, and John Stocker. The veteran voice actors led the panel through the nature of the voice acting… Read more →

Once Upon A Time: Let Us Tell You a Story

This Friday the fairy tale cast of ABC’s Once Upon a Time came together in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom. After premiering in 2011 the show quickly gained a wide a following and has been through three seasons with a fourth coming out in September. The show follows a large cast of fairy tale characters who have been transported to modern… Read more →

Filk to Rock Hyatt International North

The Filk Track will host several concerts Saturday evening, beginning with Brobdignagian Bards and The Blibbering Humdingers at 7PM, International North Ballroom (Hy). They’ll be followed in the same venue by Pandora Celtica at 8:30PM, Dueling Filkers! at 10PM, and finally Foot Pound Force at 11:30PM. “Filk is not limited to a particular genre. It is the music of the… Read more →

Talking True Blood

After seven seasons, the iconic HBO series True Blood has come to a conclusion. Still fresh from the airing of the finale, Nelsan Ellis, Michael McMillian, and Kristin Bauer discussed the impact the show has had on them on Saturday in the Hyatt Centennial II-III. One of the first questions asked was how much the writers changed the character to… Read more →