Sir Patrick Stewart: Knight of Many Talents

Sir Patrick Stewart: Knight of Many Talents

Patrick Stewart took the stage in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom, Fri at 1 PM, to thunderous applause and standing ovation. He promptly asked for the house lights to be brought up so that he could get a better look at the audience. Suffering from allergies, he asked for someone to get him some more tissues, to which a member of… Read more →

Baen Books

Party in the Baen House

On Thursday night, Baen Books celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with the help of Dragon Con fans. The savory appetizers and multiple balloon installations in the Baen colors, this reporter felt as though she’d stumbled into a New York cocktail party. The host for the evening, James Minz, was as sharply dressed as he was witty, keeping the evening moving from… Read more →

The Bio of Biometrics

Dave Maass from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Dr. Jon Padfield hosted a panel on biometrics, “Biometrics Identification: Sorting Fact From Fiction” in the EFF track held in room 201 of the Hilton. Dr. Padfield related some interesting anecdotes about his participation in developing signature recognition. He elaborated on how current tech does not simply compare a static image of… Read more →

Ask Les Johnson: Have Satellites Failed or is Kryptonite in Hotel Walls?

Ask Les Johnson: Have Satellites Failed or is Kryptonite in Hotel Walls?

Space scientist and author Les Johnson will present a panel “When the Satellites Fail: A Modern Apocalypse” Sat 4PM Chastain 1-2 (W). The author of Sky Alert! When Satellites Fail, Johnson warns, “Since writing Sky Alert, we’ve had some solar storms that could have posed a threat to our satellites, and the orbital debris problem has only gotten worse.” “Most… Read more →

Battlestar Galactica: A Visit to the Fleet

On Friday afternoon several stars from Battlestar Galactica entertained the audience in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. Kate Vernon, who played Ellen Tigh on the show, said: “The [production] was delicious from the get-go” and that she couldn’t wait to read what the writers had written as soon as the scripts would arrive. When a fan asked what Vernon had been… Read more →

Breathing Life into Your Puppet

Friday afternoon, a fun panel in A707 (M) consisting of professionals Joshua Holden and Brodrick Jones showed tips on how to manipulate and develop your puppet’s character. Participants were highly encouraged to bring in a puppet, but it was not required. One of the more enjoyable exercises was making the puppet “breathe.” This reporter brought her partner, “Fergus.” A new… Read more →

Saturday Daily Dragon Now Out

The 2014 Saturday issue of the Daily Dragon is now available. Green is the color for Saturday, available throughout the convention and at the information booths and registration. Or download the PDF: [gview file=”https://www.dragoncon.org/dailydragon/wp-content/uploads/Saturday_083014.pdf” save=”0″][Download the 2014 Saturday Daily Dragon as a PDF]

Enlightened or Resistance? Delving into the GPS-Dependent Game of Ingress

Enlightened or Resistance? Delving into the GPS-Dependent Game of Ingress

In less than two years, the augmented massively multiplayer reality game, Ingress, has captured the attention and imagination of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Elonka Dunin, John Stocks, and Andrew Hansen described the game and answered audience questions during the Ingress panel on Friday at 7PM (Hilton). Originally an Android game, a version for iPhones was released a little… Read more →