Dragon Con Store 2014 Hours

The Dragon Con Store is your place for official Dragon Con merchandise! Hours of operation for 2014: Marriott Store hours: Fri-Sun: 10AM-7PM Mon: 10AM-5PM Sheraton Store hours: Thu: 10AM-10PM Fri: 9AM-6PM Sat: 9AM-5PM Sun: 10AM-4PM Vendor Hall Store hours: Fri: 1PM-7PM Sat-Sun: 10AM-7PM Mon: 10AM-5PM

Volunteers Needed for This Year’s Blood Drive

Each year, Dragon Con hosts a blood drive in partnership with LifeSouth, which serves more than 40 hospitals in the Atlanta area and more than 110 hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. In 2013, the drive welcomed 2,972 donors and collected 7,544 units, assisted by a crew of more than 60 people from all three states who descended on Atlanta… Read more →

Speedy Registration Hints and Tips

All prepaid memberships, i.e., memberships paid for before the convention, will be available in the Capitol Ballroom at the Sheraton. Dragon Con will be using barcodes once again to speed up the registration process for 2014. Those of you who have purchased your memberships in advance will receive (or have received already) a postcard with a barcode on the mailing… Read more →

Map to Nearby Restaurants, Grocery Stores, et al.

Looking for a place to eat close to the Dragon Con host hotels but don’t want to do the food court? Want to replenish your hard tack and water supplies at a grocery store? Run out of rum and ale and the pirates are at your door? Check out this Google Map for nearby restaurants, grocery stories, and alcohol purveyors:… Read more →

2014 Parade Route Confirmed

2014 Parade Route Confirmed

The route we introduced in 2013 was so well received, we’re using it again this year! Lots of excellent viewing spots and photo ops locations! For those new to the parade, our route winds through downtown Atlanta and is about 3/4 mile long: We launch the parade at Spring Street and West Peachtree Place, heading to Ivan Allen Blvd., where… Read more →

Shiny, Shiny 2014 Challenge Coins Now Available for Pre-order

Shiny, Shiny 2014 Challenge Coins Now Available for Pre-order

What is a “challenge coin”? It’s a small coin bearing an organization’s insignia or emblem and carried by the organization’s members. Traditionally, they are given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale and camaraderie within a military group. In addition, they are also collected by service members and have spread in popularity in recent years with non-military groups,… Read more →

Registration Hours and New for 2014: Presales

Available now through August 16, 2014, a limited number of Saturday Only memberships will be available through the Dragon Con store for $50.00 and a limited number of Sunday Only memberships will be available for $40.00.* Saturday Only memberships can only be picked up on Saturday, August 30, 2014 in the Capital Ballroom of the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel and Sunday… Read more →