Atlanta Community Food Bank, Dragon Con’s 2014 Charity

Proceeds from this year’s Dragon Con charity auction and charity events will benefit our 2014 charity, the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB). Dragon Con will again be matching funds raised at the show, up to $50,000, with the hope of being able to send over $100,000 to the ACFB. As the need has continued to grow, the ACFB has been… Read more →

2014 Parade Registration Closed!

Parade registration for 2014 is officially closed! The parade registration response has been outrageously good this year. As of Saturday, June 7, at 6:05PM, we hit our absolute maximum capacity and are unable to accept any new submissions/parade entries with time stamps after that cutoff. Please note that there will be no onsite/at-convention registration for the 2014 Dragon Con parade…. Read more →

2014 Dragon Con Parade Registration Now Open!

We’re introducing a new parade registration process for 2014 that we hope you’ll find even faster and easier than before. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and you’re done! When you submit your parade registration form, you’ll receive a confirmation screen with additional information including how to contact us and where to find us on… Read more →

2013 Blood Drive Results

This was the best Dragon Con Blood Drive we’ve ever had! We nearly broke the 3,000 donors drawn mark. Our average donation time was 52 minutes from start to finish. Thanks for all of your support and we look forward to doing even better next year! [WB=Whole Blood; APH=Apheresis; 2RBC=Automated Red Blood Cell donation] Totals for Dragon Con 2013: WB:… Read more →

Submission Suggestions by Editors and Agents

Sunday night at 7PM in Embassy D-F of the Hyatt, Deidre Knight, Nancy Knight, Jim Minz, and Anne Sowards recounted their anecdotes about submissions that made them laugh on the “Seriously Funny Ways to Get Rejected” panel. First thing, moderator Nancy Knight explained that the intent of the hour was not to be cruel or to make fun of people… Read more →