Hobbit Heroes and Villains

Hobbit Heroes and Villains

Friday afternoon in Centennial II-III of the Hyatt, Bifur (William Kircher) and Dwalin (Graham McTavish) sat down for a chat with their arch enemy, Azog the Defiler (Manu Bennett). Kircher set a rousing mood by proclaiming, “Feel the fire of the Dwarves!” in flawless Dwarvish. He kindly translated the line for attendees not fluent in the ancient tongues of Middle… Read more →

Dragon Con MARTA Commuters Beware

For those of you commuting locally to Dragon Con and out-of-towners riding the trains from off-site hotels, all shambling, zombie-like, through the Peachtree Center station, beware! Just before 9AM Sat, a crowd of parade-bound fans ascending a vertigo-inducing escalator were trapped when the escalator growled and ground to an abrupt halt. The offending escalator rises above the tap-out exit to… Read more →

Captain Sulu to the Rescue: Q&A with George Takei

Captain Sulu to the Rescue: Q&A with George Takei

From the past to the future, George Takei talked about his life as an Asian American imprisoned after Pearl Harbor, gave advice to aspiring Asian American actors, and discussed his upcoming roles during the “Sulu Solo” panel Fri at 11:30AM in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom A-F.

Humor and Hijinks at the Stargate Summit

At the “Stargate Summit” panel, Fri 1PM in the Peachtree Ballroom (W), the audience was treated to the humor and hijinks of Christopher Judge, Mitch Pileggi, Alex Zahara, and Jennifer Spence. Originally slated to feature six celebrities from the various series, a couple of guests got hung up on their way to the panel and didn’t make it. Judge himself… Read more →

Live Podcasting with Paul and Storm

Phil Plait (aka Bad Astronomer) took approximately ten minutes to drop some science (and the mic) on the “Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (on Average)” panel, Friday at 11:30 AM in the Hilton Grand Ballroom East. Recording their podcast of the same name in front of a live Dragon Con audience, Storm (of… Read more →

Own a Piece of Sherrilyn Kenyon History

Menyons, here is your chance to own a piece of history from Sherrilyn Kenyon. The very first printed edition of Styxx is being auctioned for charity! The auction benefits three charities: Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, which shelters abused exotic animals, the Georgia Conservancy, which helps to protect the state’s natural resources, and the Marcus Autism Center, which helps diagnose and… Read more →

Charity Spotlight: The Marcus Autism Center

The Marcus Autism Center was founded in 1991 as the Marcus Developmental Resource Center. With more than 6,000 patients treated annually, the center is the largest clinical care provider in the nation for children with autism and one of only three Autism Centers of Excellence in the nation. The Marcus Autism Center now falls under the umbrella of the Children’s… Read more →