Travel Discounts for Dragon Con Members: Air Travel, Rental Cars, Limo Service

Air Travel Dragon Con has again partnered with Delta Air Lines to offer attendees a 5%-10% discount on eligible airfares to the convention. Reservations must be booked for travel between August 27, 2013, and September 5, 2013. Some restrictions apply (discounts are not available on L, U, T, X, and V fares). In order to take advantage of this opportunity,… Read more →

2013 Fandom Music Video Awards

It’s not too late to send in your entries for the Dragon Con 2013 Fandom Music Video Contest! This is a multi-fandom contest, welcoming submissions from any genre that Dragon Con covers: Star Wars to Star Trek, Firefly to Stargate, Doctor Who to Anime. Contest deadline is August 23, 2013!