Eureka! What a Panel

Colin Ferguson, Jamie Paglia, Niall Matter, Tembi Locke, and Debra Farentino took the stage Sunday for the “Eureka: What Would Carter Do?” panel in the Hyatt’s Centennial II-III ballrooms.  There was much joking and bantering between the panelists and it was evident to everyone watching that these are people are used to spending large amounts of time around each other… Read more →

Top Gear: A Fan Panel

The Brit Track hosted a fan-run panel on the ever popular BAFTA and Emmy award winning Top Gear Sunday at 11:30AM in the Macon room of the Sheraton.  The panel started off with a discussion of the latest series, or season as we phrase it in the States, which is number 18 for the Top Gear crew.  Emphasis is being… Read more →

Super Supergate

The last Supergate panel of Dragon*Con was packed with stars from Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis. Jason Momoa, Torri Higginson, Robert Picardo, and Cliff Simon started the panel, but a ripple of confusion went through the capacity crowd when Joe Flanigan and Richard Dean Anderson were conspicuously absent. It wasn’t a long wait, though, before Flanigan and finally Anderson joined… Read more →

Collaborative Costuming Discussion

If you’ve seen the X-Men on DCTV this weekend, you’ve seen the panel members for the “Xavier’s School for Costuming” panel Sunday 8:30PM M103-105 (Marriott). Jevokas “Java” Green moderated the panel that included Eric Green, Tam Songdog, Kellyn Stephens, Ace Talkingwolf, and Robert Stephens. The panel (including the moderator) was made up of members of the cast and crew from… Read more →

A Sneak Peek at A Memory of Light

Brandon Sanderson enthralled the crowd in the Westin Atlanta Ballroom on Sunday afternoon as he read an excerpt from A Memory of Light, the final installment in the Wheel of Time series, due out from Tor Books on January 8, 2013.  The excerpt, featuring the indomitable Matt, had the crowd laughing and cheering Sanderson’s deft use of humor, particularly when… Read more →

Writers and Warehouse Agents

The “Creating Warehouse 13 and the Agents” panel on Saturday in the Marriott was a pleasure as creator/writer Jane Espenson and writer Deric Hughes joined agents Eddie McClintock, Saul Rubinek, and Aaron Ashmore onstage. One of the themes of the panel was how unique it was to work on the show. Jack Kenny, one of the show’s executive producers, is… Read more →

Cyberwar and the Future

During the Electronic Frontiers Forum panel “Cyberwar and the Future of Cyber Conflict” (Sunday 10AM), Internet security expert Bruce Schneier gave the audience an overview of recent cyber attacks and issues in cyber security.  He began by defining cyber war as the “spectrum of state-sponsored actions in cyberspace.” In April, 2011, Estonia suffered an attack on its government sites, one… Read more →

Let’s Make a Friend

The two-part Create-A-Puppet Workshop with Lolly Lardpop ran Sunday from 4PM to 6:30PM in International South (Hyatt). Participants were given a bag with the pieces and instructions needed to make their own Lolly Lardpop. On each of four long tables were supplies like glue sticks, markers, scissors, and construction paper to allow the construction of the puppet. The tables were… Read more →