Giving Blood: The Gift You Give To Others

Every year, I have made it my mission to try something new at Dragon*Con. This year, I gave blood here for the first time. It was one of those things I kept meaning to do, but never took the time to do so. This year, I wanted to step up and help give the gift of life to others. It… Read more →

Registration Moves at Light Speed–Or It Seems That Way

Whatever bugs might have been in the barcode registration system last year seem to have been worked out, and people are blasting through registration. The average wait time has varied from ten to 45 minutes, a vast improvement over the multi-hour waits in line to get into a ballroom to get into another line to get into an alphabetical line… Read more →

An Interview with Les Johnson: "We WILL get to the stars!"

An Interview with Les Johnson: “We WILL get to the stars!”

Les Johnson, is a NASA scientist turned science writer–no, wait, science fiction writer–hold the press, I meant science and science fiction editor. Actually, Les Johnson is all that and he continues to work at NASA while pursuing his writing and editing goals. He’s back at Dragon*Con for another year, ready to share his insights and talk about his books.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Author Signings

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), the non-profit writers organization founded by Damon Knight in 1965 and presenter of the Nebula awards, will have a table all weekend long at the Exhibit Level of the Hyatt. Come by, meet your favorite authors, and get their autographs!

Dragon*Con Blood Drive

Dragon*Con Blood Drive 2012 with Revised Hours on Thursday

For LifeSouth, which serves more than 40 hospitals in the Atlanta area and more than 110 hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, Dragon*Con is a major undertaking. Last year, the drive collected 3,448 units, assisted by a crew of more than 60 people from all three states who descended on Atlanta to handle the flood of donors in costume. “We… Read more →

2012 Programming for the Younger Dragon*Con Crowd

The Kaleidoscope Track has once again compiled a list of panels and events (link opens a Google Docs spreadsheet) at this year’s Dragon*Con we think younger convention-goers would enjoy. It’s not the complete selection of events we think suitable for our younger attendees, but it’s a great starting place. As always, parents should employ their own best judgment.