Behind Every Great Dark Hunter Stands Alethea

If you’re thinking about taking up the dark-hunter challenge any time soon (after first having died the prerequisite tortured death and even grislier betrayal demanding vengeance), the must-have guided tour is The Dark-Hunter Companion (DHC) by Sherrilyn Kenyon with Alethea Kontis.  Alethea makes her influence known in the Introduction:  “There are very few people to whom Acheron Parthenopaeus owes a… Read more →

High on Fun, Low on Revelations

The Battlestar Galactica contingent stormed into the Marriott on Friday at 4PM with a star-packed eight-person panel. Although the title promised “Revelations,” few secrets were revealed. Attending Dragon*Con for the first time, Edward James Olmos praised the show’s writing and Ron Moore’s devotion to telling a great story. The man who plays the Admiral of the fleet spoke of how… Read more →

Pastiche Impressions from the Walk of Fame

With a sense of wonder, fans stepped through the double doors of the Grand Ballroom at the Atlanta Hilton seeking T.V. heroes and movie stars. At every table, fans and guests interacted with smiles and conversation. At one table, Michael Rosenbaum gave a high five to one of his fans who responded with a grin. At another, fans crowded around… Read more →

Space-based Solar Power

Renewable energy is evermore on the forefront of the ongoing crisis to power our daily lives. Mankind’s dependence on fossil fuels as our primary source of power since the industrial revolution has created a society largely at the mercy of those who control these resources. With technology developing at ever-faster speeds, new ideas and techniques are being employed to combat… Read more →

Stormtroopers, Ninjas, and Cylons

Hey! Everyone in fabu costumes with swords, ray guns, lightsabers, or other weaponry, please take care to be especially polite and considerate when you are in public and/or traveling to and from Dragon*Con. Your weapons may inspire fear, confusion, and concern. Please try to be cooperative and reassuring. Thank you!

And They Call it Friday Night

This reporter, having completed my Daily Dragon duties, decided to check out Friday night’s party scene. First up, the ever popular Hyatt lobby. Each floor was packed with the usual scantily clad women and men (thank goodness), but to keep the traffic flowing, I couldn’t pause for much of a good stare. In retrospect, I probably should’ve loaded up on… Read more →

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