Dragon Con 2014 App Now Available!

Dragon Con 2014 App Now Available!

The app is here; the app is here! Now available from Google Play for Android devices and the Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads, the 2014 Dragon Con app*: Happy downloading! [*Please note that currently the app is just the framework with only incomplete test data (technically only a sampling of panels, etc.) so that we can get it… Read more →

2014 Dragon Con Food Drive

In support of our 2014 Charity, the Atlanta Community Food Bank, Dragon Con will also be hosting a food drive during the convention. We’ll have collection bins located in the Sheraton near registration. Not sure what to bring? Check out the the ACFB’s information on the most needed items: As a part of our dedication to providing healthier food to… Read more →

Gaming, Gaming, GAMING!

Gaming, Gaming, GAMING!

Are you a gamer? Whatever way you get your game on, Dragon Con has you covered! Tabletop Gaming: One of our oldest tracks, Tabletop Gaming is the track for any game which traces its ancestry back to pen and paper RPGs, including board games, live-action role-playing games, card games, miniature games, as well as RPGs (campaign and non-campaign) and gamer… Read more →