From Sticks to Pulleys: The Evolution of Archery

On Sunday at 5:30PM in the Hyatt Kennesaw Room, author and archery enthusiast Teresa Patterson and archery coach Devon Boling presented a docent tour, “Tools of the Archer,” to a standing room only crowd. Patterson noted that people started out using rocks as weapons, progressing to throwing rocks and then to using spears and javelins, before the bow was invented…. Read more →

Secrets of Book Editors and Author Agents

The biggest question aspiring writers usually have is what does it take to get my book published? At the “Secrets of Editors and Agents” panel on Sunday at 10AM, several agents and editors shared what they are looking for in a novel submission.

Everywhere Are Signs

Dragon Con has always been a forum for cool slogans on T-shirts. A quick trip through the Dealers’ Room would easily prove my point. At least half of convention attendees who are not cosplaying are wearing slogans and graphics that made me laugh. But I’ve noticed a new trend. Fan-made hand-held signs as the new venue for personal comedic statements.

Q&A With the Cast of Arrow

The “Arrow: Bullseye” panel in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom on Sunday at 1PM started with a high energy level. The audience applauded as the actors were introduced, but the last, John Barrowman, leaped onto the stage with his arms held out and his biceps flexed, drawing laughter and cheers. He joined fellow cast members Manu Bennett, Seth Gabel, Kelly Hu,… Read more →

Blowing Stuff Up for Science

The packed Marriott Atrium ballroom waited patiently for Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage to take the stage for the “M5: Blowing Stuff Up for Science” panel, Saturday at 5:30PM. The moderator urged the audience to cheer as loudly as possible for them after a teaser video for the next season of Mythbusters played. However, after some technical delays, Savage and… Read more →

Writing a Winner with New York Times Bestsellers

Ever wanted to know more about being a successful writer? Some of the biggest names on the New York Times Bestsellers list sat down together for a panel on Saturday at 5:30PM in the Hyatt Centennial I ballroom and discussed life on the list.

Pinky and the Brain Conquer Dragon Con

Pinky and the Brain Conquer Dragon Con

Fans packed the Hyatt International South to capacity for the “Pinky and the Brain” panel on Sunday at 7PM. Tech Ops informed the crowd that a few hundred people had to be turned away due to lack of seating, but the lucky attendees spent a laugh-filled hour with Pinky, Rob Paulsen, and the Brain, Maurice LaMarche. The comedic pair began… Read more →