Charity Spotlight: Noah's Ark

Charity Spotlight: Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark was founded in 1978 by Jama Hedgecoth. She is assisted by Charlie Hedgecoth, and his wife, Allison, with the loving attention of their dog, Yani (who will happily plaster you with sloppy dog kisses, given half a chance). Noah’s Ark was intended to be an animal sanctuary as well as a place where people could come see the animals for free. The sanctuary… Read more →

Writers Tell Wacky Stories

“The Wacky World of Writing” panel on Friday at 11:30 AM in Embassy D-F (Hy) was like attending an informal conversation among long-standing friends who are also writers telling grand stories about the business, with the audience members providing the needed laugh track in the backdrop. The panel consisted of Stephen L. Antczak, Peter David, Bill Fawcett, D.B. Jackson, Katherine… Read more →

Shhh…It’s Late

Is six o’clock in the morning late or early? Technically, if you don’t go to bed until after six then it’s definitely late. Just ask the stars of the Dragon Con Late Show. (Which airs on Dragon Con TV at 9AM.) This informative live program fills you in on all of the day’s must-see events and outlines important changes to… Read more →

Atlanta Braves Welcome Dragon Con to Turner Field

Atlanta Braves Welcome Dragon Con to Turner Field

Thursday night, the Atlanta Braves hosted Dragon Con Night at Turner Field. A portion of the ticket sales will benefit the official 2013 Dragon Con charities: Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, Georgia Conservancy, and Marcus Autism Center. Tickets were available at almost all levels of the stadium, and before the game, costumed attendees were invited to participate in a parade around… Read more →

Blood Isn’t Only For Vampires

Over the past four years, Dragon Con and LifeSouth have collected more than 25,000 units of blood (25,301 to be precise). During that same time period, more than 10,000 of you have donated blood. We’ve had a good increase in general over the past four years: 2009: 2,012 donors and 5,030 units of blood. 2010: 2,424 donors and 6,060 units of blood. 2011:… Read more →