An Introduction to Chemical Warfare

The speaker on the Science Track panel “Chemical Warfare—An Introduction” (Saturday 4PM) Erica Borgers Klonkowski, a biochemist at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, took the audience on a whirlwind tour of the history, development, and modern use of chemical weapons.  A chemical agent, she said, is a chemical compound used in tactical warfare.  Some people consider anthrax a chemical weapon,… Read more →

Photo Ops: What Really Happens

A lot of us have no idea how to prepare for a special moment in front of the camera with a celebrity guest at Dragon*Con.  So, what does it take?  A massive amount of work, that’s what. Craig Damon, of Craig Damon: Photographer, arrived in Atlanta on Wednesday just to get the layout of his room and to check his… Read more →

Four Races, One Panel

“A Wizard, a Dwarf, a Hobbit, and an Elf, Oh My!” started ten minutes late as the Saturday afternoon capacity crowd packed into Centennial II-III at the Hyatt. When, Billy Boyd, Sylvester McCoy, Craig Parker, and John Rhys-Davies came onstage, the cheers were nearly deafening. Boyd opened the discussion by talking about his band, Bee Cake, and how they chose… Read more →

Are You A Private Person? Hacking 101

Randal Schwartz and Johnny X were the hosts of this informative and funny panel on Saturday, 7PM, at the Marriott. This presentation was not about how to hack, but how to be private with your information while out in public. On the screen was a display he called the Wall of Sheep, showing recent users who had logged into the… Read more →

Infinity Blade: Dungeons at Dragon*Con

Friday afternoon, Mike Capps, president of Epic Games, Inc., led the panel on the Infinity Blade game franchise, joined by lead designer Ian Frazier and author Brandon Winn Sanderson.  After beginning the panel with a video teaser of the upcoming Infinity Blade: Dungeons, the third installment of this popular iOS game, Capps started a discussion of Sanderson’s involvement in the… Read more →

Blood Drive 2012 and Hurricane Isaac

Every year, hospitals and ER’s require hundreds of thousands of units of blood. Natural disasters like Hurricane Isaac have a double impact; they raise the need for blood, and at the same time, make it impossible for people in the areas affected to donate themselves. Without donations from blood drives, lives are directly put at risk. Ten minutes of your… Read more →