Charting the Uncharted Territories – Farscape

In honor of the 10th anniversary of Farscape, the American SciFi Television track welcomed Lani John Tupu, Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, and Ben Browder to the stage in the Centennial Ballroom on Saturday.  Ben Browder opened the panel by warning the audience that the panel was being broadcast on DCTV and to watch what was asked and, he remarked, what… Read more →

Kate Mulgrew: “Just the way I like it”

Kate Mulgrew wooed a captivated audience in the Atrium Ballroom (M) Saturday afternoon with reminiscences of her decade-long role as Captain Kathryn Janeway in the series Star Trek: Voyager. Mulgrew created the role of the first woman Star Trek starship captain over Voyager’s seven and a half years on the air followed by a three-year encore in her one-woman show.

Paul McGillion’s One Man Show!

On Friday afternoon the Stargate Multiverse track was slated to open their 2009 schedule at 11:30AM in the Marriott Atrium ballroom with a guest “super gate” panel consisting of Paul McGillion and Joe Flanigan from Stargate Atlantis.  However, due to unforeseen consequences, it was left to McGillion to handle the panel by himself.  He started things off by apologizing for… Read more →

To Party or Not to Party, That is the Question

This reporter has just returned from another late-shift on the Dragon*Con scene and is ready to spill forth the 411 on the par-tay scene. Nothing is more exciting than a walk through the lobby of the Hyatt or the Mariott after midnight. Costumes, conversation, and all manner of levity permeate the place. Even now, as I sit here writing at… Read more →

Don’t Blame It on the Pigs

Over in the Hilton, this reporter thought she would attend a Science Track panel with pertinent, timely, and important information: “Influenza, Swine Flu, and You.” Dr. John Cmar, who does Infectious Diseases outreach in Baltimore television and print media, Dr. Steven Novella, a neurologist who hosts The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, and Dr. Rachael Dunlop, a regular at the… Read more →

The Old Man and the Sea of Opportunity

So tired. So very tired. Too tired. Must. Find…Ah. Here we are. Shatner and Nimoy! Draco! Buffy and Angel! SG! Doctor Who! Twilight and True Blood! Firefly! Ahh, rejuvenation. The exuberance of—not youth—diehard fandom. Inhaling the scent of fanaticism sends shivers throughout my atrophied system. Potential rears its beautiful head once again. But I still need more. There! Anime girls!… Read more →

Blood Drive Day 4

The record increases! 437 people registered today, bringing the total registered donors to 2,081 for the past four days. About 1,650 were able to donate, and we have close to 2,100 units! Tomorrow is the last day to donate. Give in the Marriott, rooms A701 and A702, from 10AM to 3PM.